

There’s no shame in being high maintenance: Managing the high MAINTENANCE high performing employee

In most management situations, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the majority of our attention and energy. 66% of people report to Gallup they're actively looking for a new job, so we are in danger of losing star employees to opportunities where they can seek greater growth and career minded focus. Despair not – you don't have to lose these High Performers! If you know the secrets of motivating these superstars while holding back their tendency to supernova, they can produce some of the most amazing results you'll ever see out of any employee! 

In this session, we will discuss what motivates the high maintenance employee, what engages them, what they want out of the workplace interaction, and the bounty of gifts that they bring to the table. Topics covered will be the psychology of the high performer, how to facilitate the high performer to engage with the team, methods for diagnosing performance problems, managing and focusing a challenging employee and how to seek out the high performers during the hiring process.