Another Reason Why I Love Where I Live

I want to tell you just how much I love the place that I live at currently.  Now, I've always been fond of them, but they are continually building more and more value for themselves in my happy little heart, and their most recent resident retention/relations event is quite the cherry on an already well stacked sundae!

This weekend on Sunday, they're holding a craft fair!  Right before Valentine's Day, this event will be held with vendors who live at the community and attendance is open to anyone.  They're promoting it out in the community at large, and they're not even charging their residents a set up or booth fee.  I suggested they name it, "Trinkets and Treasures by our Talented Tenants," even though "tenants" doesn't jive with the MF marketing lingo these days.  I think it's worth it for the alliteration high.  The community is also not requiring a cut of the profits or anything.  They'll set out cookies and juice, and they're good to go.  $50 Resident Function Idea!

Let me tell you, this a PHENOMENAL idea!  Not only do their residents get a chance to meet other residents with similar interests (Hello group building!), they also get the chance to possibly make a little money.  How often does a community give a resident a chance to make money other than through resident referrals?  And best yet, on the management side, this brings people to the community and it's a source of high traffic.  Talk about a great Look'n'Lease!  Anything you can do to get your name out there with good buzz behind it is well worth your efforts.

Standing Ovation to my apartment community!  Brava, Bravo and WELL DONE!

p.s.  I'll be selling crayon wreaths and other Teacher related crafts :)

On Being the "Blip"

Give your residents a "Riesen" or two to stay!