Pandemic Productivity

Pandemic Productivity

If you are able to start something amazing and new during this time then I applaud you- You are amazing and you deserve it!

Personally, being awake seems like it's a lot of work many days, not to mention all the moving around. Look, there's no right or wrong way to get through a pandemic. It's not like we have self help books for this. You have to do what feels right for you during this time.

I personally am having a terrible time concentrating and it's making a lot of the contract writing work that I do very difficult to complete. I'm not looking for sympathy here - I'm offering up empathy to those who can't make their magic happen right now and are super frustrated - and there are a LOT of you out there.

I am luckily blessed with clients who are understanding and amazing humans, but I know other people do not have such great supportive management systems. When just getting out of bed seems overwhelming, the thought of cleaning out the garage, starting a painting, completing one of the multiple novels I have in progress, or even trying to string together coherent sentences for a client is not something I can do everyday.

I wait for the good days. The days I want to do things. The days I feel like I can help my community. The days I actually put pants on. That last one is very important.

I'm wishing you all more "pants on" kind of days, and offering you an empathetic virtual hug on those days that are not. You're not weak for having bad or unproductive days right now. You're human.

#multifamilystrong #mentalhealth #Covid19 #Pandemic2020 #inthistogether

The image that inspired this blog post is from THE MIGHTY. Check them out or follow them on Facebook for content that won’t make you feel like crap for not being a super human.

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